Debt Fix give free phone based expert advice regarding insolvency and partial payment arrangements. They can assist to supervise a Debt Repayment Order or a Creditor Proposal (this requires documents lodged in Court).
Provides social work support and youth workers. They run parenting programmes and provide grief and loss support for those who have experienced someone close to them that has suicided. As well they have a monthly clothing co-op, a boxing and fitness group for youth as well as other youth development groups. They do so much more than this – contact them to see if they can help you and your family.
Offer interest free Debt Relief Loans up to $3,000 to assist people getting out of high interest loans. They loan Asset Building Loans up to $2,000 to enable dental work and purchases that improve a person’s life (can only have one loan at a time with them per family).
Provide fair and affordable no and low interest Good Loans: Step Up loans which are low interest loans to purchase cars (usually) or similar at an affordable repayment rate up to $5,000? They offer no interest loans up to $2,000. They also offer Debt Solution Loans up to $15,000?
They aim to provide a community where grandparents are empowered to raise resilient and healthy young children. They do so much – education and training, financial support for caregivers, legal support around family court and legal aid, advice and advocacy, respite – camps for kids. Call them – you won’t regret it 0800472637.
Offer parenting programmes including a programme for fathers and incredible years. They provide a free home visiting programme that focuses on improving children’s growth, health and relationships.
Provide counselling and mentoring support along with assistant around helping you become employment ready. They have a number of groups that you can jo8int including Good2Great which is a school based life programme providing tips and tricks around navigating some of life’s tough challenges. Phone counselling: 0800 376 633 or text 234 or email: